Sunday mornings -- The best time of the week for the regulars to take advantage of their reign, in more ways than one.
My personal favorite : Walking in, saying hello to everyone, then dropping the bomb on us with... "there's twelve of us". Oh yeah? Well fuck you. I immediately tell my managers that they are going to have to wait. Oh but no, they "spend a lot of money here", and they're "regulars and good customers". I don't give a flying fuck. They're waiting, even if theres tables available now.
Then... at 11:00am, one of them comes up to the host stand and asks "can I see a lunch menu, I'm planning a party next week I want to see what's on the menu?" of course it's no problem to grab a lunch menu, but it will be a problem if you try and order off of it when we do not serve lunch yet.
Oh....but they are regulars who are now owners of the restaurant and determine when certain meals are served.
By all means, go ahead!